How to Ask for Help with Mental Health

Do you know how to ask for help with mental health? Are you aware that many resources and tools are available?

There is good news in the field of mental health. The number of people seeking treatment for mental health disorders is rising. The American Psychological Association notes that a recent practitioner survey found psychologists see an increase in calls for help.

Results of the survey show that since the pandemic, the following have increased:

While the increase is great and more people are getting the help they need, 46% of Americans with mental illness are still not receiving treatment.

Reasons People Do Not Ask for Help

There are many barriers to treatment, and they differ for each person. A barrier is something or someone preventing a person from accomplishing a goal, such as seeking treatment. Below are the most common obstacles to treating people with mental health disorders.

Each barrier is followed by a “How to Ask for Help with Mental Health” tip to overcome roadblocks to getting the mental health treatment you deserve.

1. Can’t Afford It

A recent study on the attitudes of Americans seeking treatment found that 42% of the population believe they cannot afford mental health treatment. Even those with insurance claimed the coverage was insufficient to pay for mental health services.

How to Ask for Help: Finances do not have to be a barrier to treatment. Many treatment centers offer sliding scale fees, discounts, scholarships, and insurance. Talk to the treatment center if your insurance coverage doesn’t support all or a portion of the cost of mental health care. They may have a plan that will work for you.

2. Worried About What Others Will Think

It is against the law for mental health professionals to share your personal information, except in situations where you may harm yourself or another. Otherwise, anything related to your mental health care is kept confidential.

The stigma of being judged for getting treatment is fading but not eliminated. People at work, at home, at school, and in social settings continue to have negative thoughts about mental health care, typically because they lack information and facts about its benefits. You don’t have to be influenced by another person’s ignorance.

How to Ask for Help: You likely know someone at work, school, or socially who is in treatment for mental health reasons. Ask them for advice on how they view the stigma. Set up an initial session with a therapist over the phone and express your concerns. They can give you tips on how to overcome the stigma.

3. Lacks Knowledge

Some people feel fearful of things with which they are not familiar. If you have never eaten escargot or snails, you may be hesitant to try them. The same is true for mental health services. It may seem easier to skip if you don’t know what to expect or what will be required.

Lack of knowledge is an easy barrier to overcome, however.

How to Ask for Help: Treatment professionals want to answer questions about the therapeutic process and how it can help. For example, if you call The Mental Health Center, support staff can explain the entire therapy process over the phone or online. You can also ask someone you know receiving treatment what they experienced. Create a list of questions and see answers. When you have the correct information, decisions are easier to make.

4. Wants to Handle It Alone

When you have a broken bone, you let the orthopedic handle it. When your pet is injured, you let the veterinarian handle it. When your car breaks down, you let the mechanic handle it. For almost every problem, there is a specialist who can help resolve it, including mental health.

Depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues are medical conditions that involve many risk factors, including neurotransmitters in the brain, genetics, relationships, trauma, physical health, and lifestyle. Many risk factors are out of your control. Handling it yourself may not be possible and should not be associated with a feeling of failure or weakness.

How to Ask for Help: The first step to asking for help is realizing you need help. Avoid minimizing your symptoms to prevent them from worsening and interfering with your life. Asking for help is a sign of strength and courage. It shows you value yourself enough to improve your health.

There are parts of the process you can handle yourself and parts that require a specialist. Allow yourself to focus only on what you can handle. For example:

    • Document your symptoms, when they occur, and what happens when they occur. This information can help you (and a therapist) recognize patterns that may exist.
    • Talk to friends and family you trust about your concerns about asking for help.
    • Call the Mental Health Center and tell them how you feel, and ask questions.

5. Too Busy

Therapy logistics are improving to meet the needs of someone “too busy for therapy.” The pandemic taught everyone that therapy options must change. Today, many treatment centers offer evening and weekend hours and telehealth services.

Therapists understand that a mental health issue can make you feel overwhelmed and too tired to attend an appointment after a long work day. They can work with your schedule to make therapy more convenient. Once you begin treatment, you will notice improvements in energy levels and motivation. Do what you can to make a couple of hours a month of therapy to your busy schedule.

How to Ask for Help: When contacting professionals, like those at The Mental Health Center, explain your schedule, travel requirements, and other obstacles. Then be open to the alternative options they offer. Also, ask family and friends for help to free up some of your time. Remember, it is only a few hours a month.

Psychiatry and Therapy Services in Los Angeles

Now that you know how to ask for help with mental health, take the first step of contacting The Mental Health Center today by phone or online.

We make asking for help and getting treatment for mental health issues easy.