The Promising Benefits of Ketamine-assisted Psychotherapy

man smiling about the potential benefits of ketamine-assisted psychotherapy

Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) is a combination of ketamine infusions and psychotherapy or counseling. It offers quick relief to someone with depression who has yet to find a treatment that works. Not only can it improve mood, but it can alleviate symptoms of anxiety disorders, chronic pain, and post-traumatic stress. In addition, KAP may enhance substance use disorder treatment. Traditional therapies sometimes fall short in treating severe cases of depression and PTSD, leaving many individuals feeling hopeless and stuck in their recovery. The limitations of conventional treatment methods can prolong suffering and make it difficult for patients to find effective relief from their symptoms. Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy offers promising benefits, providing rapid symptom relief by enhancing traditional psychotherapy methods with the use of ketamine, which has shown significant potential in breaking through treatment barriers and accelerating the healing process. This article explores the benefits of ketamine-assisted psychotherapy. What Is Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy? Ketamine …

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Understanding the Anxiety and Alcoholism Cycle

man worried, experiencing symptoms of anxiety and alcoholism cycle

Drinking alcohol is a coping method for some people struggling with anxiety. When someone first starts drinking, alcohol relieves the symptoms of anxiety and makes them feel good. However, short and long-term alcohol misuse can lead to more stress, which then leads to more alcohol misuse. A troubling alcohol-anxiety cycle develops and affects a person’s physical and mental health. Many individuals find themselves caught in a troubling cycle where anxiety leads to alcohol use as a coping mechanism, which in turn exacerbates anxiety, creating a vicious cycle. This cycle can be challenging to break, as the temporary relief provided by alcohol often leads to increased dependence and potentially more severe anxiety symptoms, complicating recovery efforts. Understanding the dynamics of the anxiety and alcoholism cycle is crucial. Recognizing the triggers and effects can empower individuals to seek appropriate intervention strategies, such as therapy, medication, or support groups, which are designed to …

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National Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2024

sexual assault

By Ashley Barnes, M.S. National Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2024 April 2024 marks National Sexual Violence Resource Center’s 23rd annual National Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), a campaign dedicated to preventing sexual assault. Though each year focuses on a different theme pertaining to preventing sexual assault, NSVRC always centers visibility about sexual assault and how it can be prevented – whether that’s through education about healthy sexuality, consent, or bystander intervention.  NSVRC coordinates a national SAAM campaign complete with the resources and tools needed to hold an event or otherwise raise awareness. This makes it more accessible for communities, workplaces, and college campuses to develop their own programs related to preventing sexual assault.  Sexual Assault and Trauma The Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) describes sexual violence/assault as “sexual activity when consent is not obtained or freely given. It is a serious public health problem in the United States …

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Stress Awareness Month 2024

sexual assault

By Ashley Barnes, M.S. What is Stress Awareness Month? Stress Awareness Month has been recognized during the month of April since 1992; it spreads awareness of the ways in which stress impacts our mental and physical health as well as urges us to find healthy ways to manage our own stress. What is stress and how does it impact us? What exactly is stress? According to the American Psychological Association, stress is defined as “the physiological or psychological response to internal or external stressors. Stress involves changes affecting nearly every system of the body, influencing how people feel and behave” (2024). In other words, stress is our own response to stimuli (stressors). Stress can be acute (responses to short term stressors) or chronic (response to ongoing, long term stressors), and not all stress is bad. Some stress can help us better navigate situations such as job interviews or help us …

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The Difference Between Borderline and Bipolar Disorders

woman talking to therapist about the difference between borderline and bipolar

What is the difference between borderline and bipolar disorders? People may confuse borderline and bipolar disorder due to them having two or three similar symptoms. However, they are very different, each with unique characteristics that help professionals diagnose and treat them appropriately. Borderline, a personality disorder, and bipolar, a mood disorder, can have a severe impact on someone’s life and interfere with daily functioning if left untreated. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) and bipolar disorder (BD) are two of the more common mental illnesses. One of the signature traits of BPD is a person’s inability to regulate their emotions. With BD, a person’s mood changes in cycles from depression to mania. Getting the correct diagnosis is crucial to avoid the adverse effects of both disorders. This article explores the difference between borderline and bipolar. What is Borderline Personality Disorder? The National Alliance on Mental Illness reports that 1.4% of Americans have …

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