How to Support World Bipolar Day

March 30th is a special day. It marks the anniversary of World Bipolar Day. This date was chosen because it is the birth date of Vincent Van Gogh, who is thought to have struggled with bipolar disorder. There are 5.7 million Americans who can relate to Van Gogh. Out of that 5.7 million, 89% have severe symptoms.

There are likely many more people with bipolar who, for different reasons, do not seek treatment. One way to change this and encourage everyone to get help is to bring about awareness of bipolar disorder, like supporting World Bipolar Day.

Below are simple ways you can get involved in spreading the word and breaking the stigma of bipolar disorder.

1. Understand Bipolar Disorder

Before you celebrate World Bipolar Day, take the time to learn everything you can about bipolar disorder, like that it is a mental health condition that causes a person to have mood swings that can interfere with functioning in personal, professional, and social relationships.

The moods of bipolar disorder are depression and mania. There are three types of bipolar, each with varying symptoms and severity.

Bipolar disorder is treatable, and many people who receive medicine lead happy, successful lives.

The more you know about bipolar disorder, the easier it will be to spread the word on World Bipolar Day.

2. Talk About Bipolar Disorder

The more you are exposed to something, the less harmful it seems. While bipolar disorder is not harmful at all, it has been portrayed negatively in the past like other mental health disorders. In recent years, this has been changing. People are learning more about it and realizing it is a medical condition, like diabetes, fibromyalgia, and depression.

You can spread the truth on World Bipolar Day through emails, texts, social media posts, a Zoom call, letters, or in-person. You can even like and share the World Bipolar Day Facebook page.

3. Donate to the Cause

It takes money for researchers to find new ways to treat bipolar disorder. It takes money for mental health facilities to provide outreach services. Some people with bipolar disorder do not have insurance and cannot afford medication or therapy.

Whether you start a fundraiser, start a Go Fund Me on social media, or donate directly to support bipolar disorder, every cent will be appreciated.

Get creative if you have trouble finding a way to raise some quick cash to donate. Sell stuff on eBay or have a yard sale. Or bake pies and cookies, sell them, and donate the profits.

4. Wear a Bipolar Disorder Ribbon or Wristband

Every cause seems to have an appropriately colored ribbon that people can wear to bring about awareness and show support. Bipolar disorder’s ribbon is black and white, with the colors representing mania and depression. Since people like to have options, present them with a wristband for bipolar awareness.

You can go beyond just wearing the ribbon or wristband, however. Purchase enough for your entire office, congregation, classroom, or other groups of people in your life. If they don’t like the black and white ribbons, give them the option of wearing a green one. Green ribbons represent all mental health disorders.

5. Volunteer

Every county has a mental health department responsible for connecting those needing treatment with providers. They also celebrate awareness day. Contact your local mental health officials to see what they are doing to celebrate World Bipolar Day.

Offer to volunteer at their event. If they are not planning a celebration, you may be able to talk them into it. You can also find multiple volunteer opportunities at private and state-funded mental health facilities in your area.

6. Use Your Talents

Are you a great writer? If so, start a blog on mental health disorders. The blog you post on the 30th can be on everything you have learned about World Bipolar Day. You may also want to write an article for your local newspaper or place an ad to bring awareness. Do you have event planning skills? The ideas are endless when it comes to events. You can throw a movie night and feature a film on bipolar disorder.

Host a paint night, art show, concert, cooking competition, silent auction, craft show, wine tasting, or your town’s first dancing with the stars (of your area) gala. Organize a run, walk, or bike event. If you can teach, create webinars. If you are an artist, design a t-shirt, sell it locally or online, and donate the profits. The key is to use the natural skills you’ve been given to celebrate World Bipolar Day.

7. Host a Self-Care Event

Anyone with a mental health disorder must learn the importance of self-care. When you take care of your body, you are also taking care of your mind, and vice versa. Wellness can mean many different things, and all are positive.

To celebrate World Bipolar Day, you can showcase all wellness activities that can make having a mental illness more manageable. Wellness stations at your event can include massage, acupuncture, nutrition, gardening, fitness, coloring area, yoga, meditation, art, music, and more. Anything that reduces stress and makes a person feel better can be included. Your goal is to give suggestions for self-care.

8. Check Your Mental Health

It is great to give your time and energy to a well-deserving cause like World Bipolar Day. However, if you have untreated mental health symptoms, celebrating will only lead to problems. To avoid this, seek a mental health evaluation for yourself from a licensed provider. Don’t get so bogged down with planning, work, and personal responsibilities that you miss the obvious signs of a mental health disorder in yourself.

Don’t ignore signs like being easily irritated, feeling stressed, sleep disturbances, and fatigue. Reach out to the local mental health center for an evaluation. Do it in honor of World Bipolar Day. You can learn a lot about your mental health. Most importantly, you can learn tools and techniques to prevent or reduce mental health-related issues.

So, while celebrating World Bipolar Day, also celebrate you.