What to Do During Ketamine Treatment

Many individuals interested in exploring ketamine treatment wonder what to do and what to expect. During ketamine treatment, it is crucial to remain calm and relaxed. Typically, you will be seated or lying down in a comfortable setting. Focus on breathing evenly, and it might help to listen to soothing music or engage in guided meditation. Always have a healthcare professional monitor you throughout the session for safety.

Many individuals experiencing treatment-resistant depression struggle to find relief with traditional methods. The uncertainty of trying a new treatment like ketamine can be daunting, especially without knowing what to expect, how to prepare, and what to do during ketamine treatment.

This article explores what to do during ketamine treatment.

What To Do During Ketamine Treatment

Make being comfortable a priority to have the best ketamine treatment experience. Physically and mentally, being relaxed and calm can improve the effects of ketamine infusions. The environment where you receive a ketamine infusion also contributes to the experience.

Here’s what to do during ketamine treatment.

Prepare Before Your Treatment Begins

Consulting with your psychiatrist is a crucial component of preparing for ketamine treatment. Tell them all the medications you are taking so they can determine which ones you must avoid during the infusion. For example, medicines that work on the same brain chemicals as ketamine.

  • Additional tips to prepare for your ketamine infusion include the following:
  • Fast for several hours before the treatment to reduce the potential for nausea
  • Pick music that is relaxing to listen to during the session
  • Wear comfortable clothes
  • Leave electronics at home
  • Meditate or practice mindfulness
  • Choose a supportive person to take you and pick you up

Follow Healthcare Providers Instructions Closely

Your doctor will give you specific instructions for ketamine treatment. They will review your medications and advise you on which ones to continue and which ones to skip on the day of your ketamine infusion. For example, you will likely be told to avoid sedating medications but continue antidepressant medicines.

Additional instructions may include what to wear, fasting, what to bring, and what to leave home. Post-treatment instructions often include thirty to forty minutes of continued relaxation. Because the effects may linger, you cannot return to work or ordinary duties. Keeping you and others safe is crucial.

Ensure Safe Transportation Home Arranged

Your doctor will require you to have someone drive you to and from your appointment for ketamine treatment. Research shows that 15% of drivers do so under the influence. If you were to drive after receiving a dose of ketamine, you would fall into that 15% of impaired drivers. Driving under the influence can lead to being arrested for driving under the influence. Or worse, you could be involved in a traffic accident or fatality.

Ketamine reduces motor skills, slowing your reaction time when driving. It also causes dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, and dissociation. Experiencing these symptoms while driving can be life-threatening.

Stay Calm and Relaxed During Treatment

Your mindset can influence the effects of ketamine treatment. Positive thoughts lead to a positive experience. Therefore, do what you can to stay calm and relaxed during treatment. Many people bring headphones and a relaxing playlist during the infusion. Music is a great way to influence mood. Avoid music that accelerates your heart rate, makes you anxious, or puts you in a negative mindset.

Another way to remain calm and relaxed during ketamine treatment is to wear comfortable clothing that doesn’t make you feel too hot or too cold. If you are cold-natured, bring a blanket if the clinic’s temperatures are uncomfortable.

Communicate Openly with Your Mental Health Professional

During an infusion, your mind will be more open and less guarded, which is one of the most significant benefits of ketamine treatment. What may have taken you weeks to discuss in traditional therapy can be addressed in a safe and therapeutic environment with your therapist. Communicating with your mental health professional throughout the process is necessary so they can help you replace negative thoughts or reactions with positive ones.

Tell your therapist even when you do not feel like communicating much and want to listen to music instead. They know communication in each session will differ.

Post-Treatment Care and Side Effects Management

Side effects like feeling tired or groggy, dizziness, or nausea are common and may linger for a few hours after your ketamine treatment. You will be monitored following the infusion, so your doctor can observe any side effects or reactions and address them if needed. Most side effects will disappear with time.

You will be given specific instructions on how to continue your care at home. For example, they may provide anti-nausea medicine to reduce stomach sickness. They may require someone to stay with you for the remainder of the day or until effects like dissociation or hallucinations fade.

Keep a Journal About Your Journey

Writing in a journal before and after your ketamine treatment can help you analyze your mindset, changes to make, and progress. You may not be able to mentally record every thought or feeling during a ketamine treatment. Journaling helps you process and reflect all aspects of an infusion. You can enhance your experience by applying what you learn through journaling.

To start journaling, write about your thoughts and feelings in the moment. Later, you can work on applying your writing to make positive changes in your life. No one will see your journal but you. Don’t worry about grammar or spelling. Just write honestly.

Join a Ketamine Support Group

Having treatment-resistant depression or another mental illness can make you feel alone in your battle for better mental health. But you are not alone. Many people are going through the same thing you are, and getting to know them can further improve your ketamine treatment outcomes.

If you’re in California and you’re interested in finding a ketamine support group, consider our weekly ketamine support group that provides a supportive environment for individuals exploring ketamine therapy.

Schedule Ketamine Treatment at the Mental Health Center

Are you seeking an innovative approach to managing treatment-resistant depression?

The Mental Health Center offers ketamine treatment designed to provide relief where other medications have not succeeded, utilizing the latest in clinical advancements. Imagine regaining control over your mental wellness through a tailored ketamine regimen supervised by healthcare professionals.

Contact the Mental Health Center today to schedule a consultation and discover if ketamine treatment is right for you.


Research shows people receiving ketamine treatments experience improvements in mood within 24 hours of their first session. Also, 70% of participants with treatment-resistant depression felt improvements. You, too, can experience positive results. Reach out today to learn what to do during ketamine treatment.