What is Alcohol Awareness Month?

Alcohol Awareness Month in April

April is The National Alcohol Awareness Month. Since 1987, the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) has sponsored the educational event. The goal is to reduce the stigma surrounding the disease of alcoholism and encourage people to seek treatment. It’s an opportunity for communities to have conversations about alcohol prevention, misuse, dependence, alcohol use disorders, and treatment options. Is There a Need for Alcohol Awareness Month? A recent National Survey on Drug Use and Health found 14.5 million Americans over the age of twelve and over 400,000 adolescents have an alcohol use disorder. Survey results also show that approximately 95,000 Americans die from an alcohol-related cause every year. More than ten percent of children under seventeen have a parent who is an alcoholic. Statistics like these make it obvious that there is still a need for alcohol awareness. Out of the millions with an alcohol use disorder, only 7.2% receive treatment. One …

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Stress Awareness Month

Stress Awareness Month

What is Stress Awareness Month? Stress Awareness Month has been recognized during the month of April since 1992; it spreads awareness of the ways in which stress impacts our mental and physical health as well as urges us to find healthy ways to manage our own stress. What is stress and how does it impact us? We often talk about stress, but what does it really mean? According to the American Psychological Association, stress is defined as “the physiological or psychological response to internal or external stressors. Stress involves changes affecting nearly every system of the body, influencing how people feel and behave” (2020). Put simply, stress is our own response to stimuli (stressors). Stress can be acute (responses to short term stressors) or chronic (response to ongoing, long term stressors), and not all stress is bad. Some stress can help us better navigate situations such as job interviews or …

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National Autism Awareness Month

National Autism Awareness Month

What is National Autism Awareness Month? National Autism Awareness Month spans the month of April with the purpose of spreading awareness, breaking the stigma, and providing support and hope to those who have or support someone with Autism. Starting in the 1970s, Autism Awareness Week was celebrated, later growing into the entire month of April.  What is Autism? According to the American Psychological Association (APA), autism spectrum disorder (ASD) describes a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by challenges with “social communication and social interaction and restricted and repetitive patterns in behaviors, interests, and activities” (APA, 2021). The term spectrum is used to highlight the wide variation in presentation and severity of symptoms. ASD is understood to occur across all ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic groups (CDC, 2020). Statistically speaking, ASD is four times more likely in boys than girls and approximately 1 in 44 children has been identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) …

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National Sleep Awareness Week

National Sleep Awareness Week

What is Sleep Awareness Week? Sleep Awareness Week was launched in 1998 and is the National Sleep Foundation’s public education campaign with the aim to spread awareness about the importance of sleep as it relates to physical and mental health. This year, Sleep Awareness week will fall on Sunday, March 13th through Saturday, March 19th. Prepare your pillows and blankets! The Importance of Sleep. Many of us don’t recognize the importance of sleep until we discover the difficulties we face when we are sleep deprived. We may not acquire enough sleep due to staying up late cramming for an exam, staying up late to finish work, or struggling with sleep disorders such as insomnia or sleep apnea. Lack of sleep tampers with our mood, memory, and health in very impactful ways. In terms of mood and mental health, studies have discovered that lack of sleep induces heightened levels of anxiety …

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Women’s History Month: Recognition and Celebration

women’s history month

Celebrating All Women. March is Women’s History Month, an annual celebration of contributions countless women have made throughout history in the United States. Women’s History Month originated from a weeklong celebration organized by school districts in Sonoma, California in the late 1970’s. International Women’s Day is also observed in March, occurring earlier in the month on March 8th.  Sexism and Discrimination. It is imperative to recognize the ways in which systemic sexism impacts women’s daily experiences. As of February 2022, nearly two million fewer women were in the US workforce than in early 2020, with notably higher rates of unemployment among women of color and women with disabilities (National Women’s Law Center, 2022). Fourty two percent of women have faced gender discrimination at work (Pew Research Center, 2020). One in four US women have experienced severe physical violence, sexual violence, and/or stalking by a partner (CDC, 2021). Eighty one percent …

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