Can Esketamine for Depression Really Help?

Can esketamine for depression really help?

Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, with over 280 million people impacted by its symptoms. Depression can cause you to feel sad and blue even though everything in your life seems to be going right. You can feel exhausted even though you get enough sleep. Sometimes, you get too much sleep and aren’t motivated to get out of bed. You aren’t alone. And thankfully, esketamine for depression exists and may be able to help those who feel they have no other options left. Symptoms of Depression Symptoms include weakness, irritability, loss of pleasure in activities you once enjoyed, appetite changes, or a feeling of emptiness. You can have mild, moderate, or severe depression. Depending on the severity, you may have thoughts of suicide. The World Health Organization reports that 700,000 people die by suicide worldwide annually, and it is the fourth leading cause of death among 15 to 29-year-olds. People who …

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6 Ways Ketamine for Mental Health is Therapeutic

6 ways ketamine for mental health is therapeutic

Some people avoid going to mental health treatment because they have tried it in the past, but it did not help. They may have taken medicine, attended therapy, and followed through with all recommendations by the therapist, but their symptoms did not improve – also called treatment-resistant mental illness. However, the good news is that for this barrier, ketamine for mental health can be a solution. Mental Health America reports that over 50 million American adults struggle with mental health disorders, with nearly 5% having a severe mental illness. The National Health Interview study found only 21% of adults with mental illness receive treatment, an increase from previous years. Barriers to treatment can be psychological, physical, and even financial. Some may not go because they are in denial and do not believe they have a problem, despite experiencing consequences. Others may not think they can afford mental health services, lack transportation, time …

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National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month


By Ashley Barnes   What is National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month? October is National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month and was created to call attention to the illness of depression on a national level, emphasizing the importance of educating the public about symptoms and effective treatment. Further, screening for mental health issues is essential in the course of effective treatment. Depression. Depression is one of the most common mental health challenges that people experience. According to Harvard Health Publishing, “Research suggests that depression doesn’t spring from simply having too much or too little of certain brain chemicals. Rather, there are many possible causes of depression, including faulty mood regulation by the brain, genetic vulnerability, and stressful life events. It’s believed that several of these forces interact to bring on depression” (2022).  Common symptoms of depression: Depressed mood: feelings of sadness, hopelessness, emptiness. Lack of pleasure: in various …

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Getting the Most out of a Ketamine IV Infusion

Getting the most out of a Ketamine IV infusion

Participating in IV ketamine infusions is a big deal. You have been suffering for years while trying medications, therapy, and alternative treatments. No matter what you tried, nothing seemed to work. Now, you are learning that a ketamine IV infusion is a viable option for those who do not respond to traditional medicines and medicine combinations. Ketamine can be administered by a clinical psychiatrist or doctor specializing in mental health, in their office, with the assistance of a nurse. The drug can be given in three forms: A nasal spray Injection into a muscle and Intravenously (IV) IV ketamine is a preferred method by many. One reason may be that there are numerous ways to get the most out of a Ketamine IV infusion. What is a Ketamine IV Infusion? Receiving a drug intravenously means your doctor delivers ketamine directly into your veins. There are two types of intravenous techniques, …

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How Ketamine Treatment for Anxiety Provides Relief

How Ketamine treatment for anxiety provides relief

Anxiety is how your body responds to fear and worry. It can occur in many forms, including daily stress, social anxiety, panic attacks, post-trauma stress, and phobias. Anxiety disorders affect over 40 million Americans over 18, making it the most common mental health disorder. Only a small percentage are receiving treatment, unfortunately. Some have never tried treatment, and some have tried but didn’t see positive results. And for some, not knowing what other options are out there, such as Ketamine treatment for anxiety, is another scenario. Many risk factors contribute to the development of an anxiety disorder. Examples include genetics, living environment, past traumatic experiences, medical conditions, medication side effects, alcohol or drug misuse, and the number of daily stressors you encounter. Treatments for Anxiety To effectively treat anxiety, a multi-layered approach is needed. There is not a single treatment that works for every person. To determine which types of treatments are …

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