How Can Ketamine Treatment for PTSD Help?

ketamine treatment for ptsd

Ketamine treatment for PTSD is becoming increasingly popular as people learn about its benefits. ketamine is an effective treatment for PTSD in many cases, and it can help people to recover from the disorder quickly and effectively. ketamine works by blocking NMDA receptors, which can help to reduce symptoms of PTSD. Ketamine is an effective treatment for PTSD in several small clinical trials. If you or someone you know is struggling with PTSD, ketamine treatment may be an option worth considering. ketamine offers a quick and effective way to reduce symptoms of the disorder, and it is a safe and well-tolerated treatment option. So, how can ketamine treatment for PTSD help? What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder? Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) occurs after you experience trauma. PTSD represents a specific set of symptoms that interfere with daily functioning. Six out of every 100 people in the United States have PTSD and …

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7 Uses for Ketamine Therapy

7 uses for Ketamine therapy

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Ketamine for limited use as a general anesthetic, initially used in the 1960s and 1970s. Ketamine was the go-to anesthesia for treating wounded soldiers on the battlefield. Around this same time, researchers were discovering other uses for Ketamine. However, as the drug became popular among recreational users, President Nixon banned it and classified it as a schedule III narcotic. Uses for Ketamine in Mental Health In recent years, Ketamine has been making a comeback in the mental health industry. Psychiatrists can administer Ketamine as an off-label prescription in their clinic. No take-home prescriptions are allowed, however. Esketamine, a nasal spray, and an intravenous drip are the two most common treatment methods. The more time that passes and the more data gathered, the uses for Ketamine are expanding. Below are seven examples. 1. Severe Depression Ketamine is currently an effective treatment for severe depression. If …

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The Best Ketamine Music to Play During Infusions

The best ketamine music to play during infusions

Anyone with treatment-resistant depression may find relief through ketamine infusions. If you and your health provider have made the decision to try ketamine therapy, you’ll find that music is a great way to pass your infusion sessions in no time. But what is the best Ketamine music to play during infusions? Let’s find out. What Is Ketamine? Ketamine is a drug developed in the 1960s and was once used on the battlefield as anesthesia for injured soldiers. As its popularity in the medical field grew, so did its recreational popularity. Misuse of ketamine was a widespread problem, causing many people to overdose and develop addictions. President Nixon banned ketamine in the 1970s; until recently, it hasn’t been a significant player in treating depression. Researchers are finding a ketamine regimen can significantly improve mental health disorders in a short period. Also, the positive outcomes of ketamine infusions can last a long time–positively impacting …

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Using Ketamine Infusion for Depression

Using Ketamine infusion for depression

Depression affects everyone, whether you have been diagnosed with depression or know someone who struggles. In some cases, people might experience treatment-resistant depression–leading to alternative therapies to find relief, such as Ketamine infusion for depression. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders defines depression as experiencing a loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed, persistent low mood, appetite changes, sleep disturbances, fatigue, concentration and memory problems, and low self-esteem for at least two weeks. In America, more than 17 million people experience depression. It affects more women than men, but that may be because women seek help for their symptoms more than men do. Depression is more severe in adolescents and young adults, ages 12 to 24, increasing among college students. Older persons have fewer depression episodes. What Causes Depression? There is not a single factor that leads to depression. Instead, multiple risk factors lead to the manifestation of …

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What is Ketamine Infusion Therapy?

What is ketamine infusion therapy

It may be surprising to see “ketamine” and “therapy” in the same sentence. But there is enough research on its benefits for treatment-resistant depression. So, what is Ketamine infusion therapy? And how can it help? The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Ketamine in a couple of forms: a nasal spray and an I.V. infusion. This version of Ketamine is not the same as the street drug “Special K.” The ingredients are the same, but the way the medicine is delivered is very different.  Ketamine As a Street Drug Ketamine has been around since the 1960s and was beneficial as an anesthetic to soldiers in the field and in hospital operating rooms. It was so effective because it reduces pain and increases feelings of happiness. Like other prescription drugs, they began to be misused by people recreationally. In medical settings, limited doses are administered. When misused recreationally, people would experience hallucinations, …

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