Self-care Spotlight 004


By Ashley Barnes This week, I thought a lot about the ways in which music helps calm me during times of stress, quickly realizing how listening to music can be deemed a form of self-care. Los Angeles residents may be familiar with the stressful traffic, people dangerously weaving in and out of it, and the bustle of people trying to get from point A to point B during a busy work day. In my commute to downtown, I became cognizant of the ways my environment was impacting me. Sometimes self-care is turning on music that boosts your confidence (some may think of hip hop or pop music), and other times, it sounds like “Clare de lune” by Claude Debussy (which was what I ended up choosing). Listening to music can help us feel empowered and ready for a big interview and it can calm us when we notice we are …

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Self-Care Spotlight 003


By Ashley Barnes   This week, I discovered that I had been overlooking one of the most underrated forms of self care: going on a short walk. Getting movement is a way to regulate our nervous systems and is an especially important tool to utilize when we are parked in our office chairs all day. It is also a way to get a change of scenery and some novelty to add something new to our routines. Especially as daylight lingers longer into the evening and as the temperature starts to cool, going on walks may be a good way to exercise and take a break after a long day. If you are an early bird, the mornings are another wonderful time to get some movement in if possible! When I go on my walks, I like to incorporate mindfulness by taking note of the chirping birds, the chatter of people …

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LGBTQ+ Pride Month 2022


By Ashley Barnes What is Pride Month? LGBTQ+ Pride Month is celebrated in the United States to commemorate the Stonewall riots, which transpired in New York at the end of June 1969. Resultantly, many pride events are held during this month to recognize the positive impact LGBTQ+ people have had on culture and society as well as accomplishments they have achieved. Further, Pride Month commemorates the ongoing pursuit of equal rights and justice for the greater community as well as sub communities within the LGBTQ+ sphere.  Messages from our team. The Mental Health Center supports and appreciates the LGBTQ+ community, not only in the month of June but every day. Our company strives to make the treatment experience inclusive and sensitive to patient needs, honoring all identities. Dino Gonzales, one of our valued administrative assistants, shared that “as an employee of the Mental Health Center, I appreciate our thoughtfulness to …

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