7 Uses for Ketamine Therapy

7 uses for Ketamine therapy

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Ketamine for limited use as a general anesthetic, initially used in the 1960s and 1970s. Ketamine was the go-to anesthesia for treating wounded soldiers on the battlefield. Around this same time, researchers were discovering other uses for Ketamine. However, as the drug became popular among recreational users, President Nixon banned it and classified it as a schedule III narcotic. Uses for Ketamine in Mental Health In recent years, Ketamine has been making a comeback in the mental health industry. Psychiatrists can administer Ketamine as an off-label prescription in their clinic. No take-home prescriptions are allowed, however. Esketamine, a nasal spray, and an intravenous drip are the two most common treatment methods. The more time that passes and the more data gathered, the uses for Ketamine are expanding. Below are seven examples. 1. Severe Depression Ketamine is currently an effective treatment for severe depression. If …

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How to Support World Bipolar Day

World Bipolar Day

March 30th is a special day. It marks the anniversary of World Bipolar Day. This date was chosen because it is the birth date of Vincent Van Gogh, who is thought to have struggled with bipolar disorder. There are 5.7 million Americans who can relate to Van Gogh. Out of that 5.7 million, 89% have severe symptoms. There are likely many more people with bipolar who, for different reasons, do not seek treatment. One way to change this and encourage everyone to get help is to bring about awareness of bipolar disorder, like supporting World Bipolar Day. Below are simple ways you can get involved in spreading the word and breaking the stigma of bipolar disorder. 1. Understand Bipolar Disorder Before you celebrate World Bipolar Day, take the time to learn everything you can about bipolar disorder, like that it is a mental health condition that causes a person to have mood …

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Different Types of Therapy for Bipolar Disorder

A family participating in therapy for bipolar disorder

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM5) defines bipolar disorder as changes in mood, ability to function, and energy levels. These changes can range from mild to severe in mania, depression, or both. Nearly 3% of Americans meet the criteria for bipolar disorder. The DSM5 criteria for mania include three of the following symptoms for at least one week: Decreased need for sleep Inflated ego Talked fast and a lot Distracted easily Engaged in risky activities Uncontrolled racing thoughts The DSM5 criteria for depression states a person must have five or more of the following in two weeks: Feel depressed most of the time Lose interest in activities you once enjoyed Change in appetite or weight Move around without purpose Feel tired or lack energy Feel worthless or hopeless Trouble concentrating or making decisions Thoughts about suicide or past attempt Does Bipolar Treatment Work? Bipolar disorder can be treated successfully …

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What is Bipolar Depression: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

What is bipolar depression

What is bipolar depression? According to research, 5.7 million Americans over the age of 18 have a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Out of the 3.4 million children and adolescents with bipolar disorder systems, one percent are experiencing the onset of bipolar depression. The majority of the cases are severe. According to the American Psychiatric Association’s diagnostic information in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, bipolar disorder is a brain disorder. A person’s mood changes as if swinging like a pendulum from one mood to the other. What is Bipolar Depression? Depression and mania are the two moods involved in bipolar disorder. Each person with bipolar disorder can have different levels of depression and mania. Some may experience extreme versions that interfere with daily functioning. Others may experience slight changes noticeable only to those close to them. If you think you, or someone you know, may have bipolar disorder, …

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