National Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2024

eating disorder

By Ashley Barnes, M.S. National Eating Disorders Awareness Week NEDA Week is an initiative taken by a non-profit organization called the National Eating Disorders Association. NEDA devotes their work to preventing and raising awareness about eating disorders, as well as providing resources to those in need. National Eating Disorders Awareness (NEDA) week “is an annual campaign to educate the public about the realities of eating disorders and to provide hope, support, and visibility to individuals and loved ones affected by eating disorders… NEDA week 2024 is an opportunity to center education about eating disorders which is critical for raising awareness, early detection, and access to quality care” (NEDA, 2024). In 2024, NEDA week will take place on Monday, February 26 through Sunday, March 3.  Eating Disorders As defined by the American Psychiatric Association, eating disorders are “behavioral conditions characterized by severe and persistent disturbance in eating behaviors and associated distressing …

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National Eating Disorders Awareness Week in 2023

national eating disorders awareness week in 2023

The last week in February, which spans days 20 to 26, is National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. It’s an annual event created by the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA). This year, join others in spreading the word about recovery resources available to everyone. Get the conversation about eating disorders going in your community and support those in need of treatment. Education and awareness about eating disorders are crucial because they are mental health disorders that can lead to death. Opioid misuse, for example, is a mental illness with the highest annual deaths. The second highest number of mental illness-related deaths is from eating disorders. The more you know about eating disorders, the better you can advocate for change and help more people seek the help they deserve. What Are Eating Disorders? The American Psychiatric Association defines eating disorders as a change in eating behaviors caused by distressing and obsessive thoughts …

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Getting Through the Holidays with an Eating Disorder

Getting through the holidays with an eating disorder

Getting through the holidays with an eating disorder can be rough. Millions of people suffer from an eating condition, including 28.8 million in the United States and at least 9% worldwide. Athletes, veterans, LGBTQ+, and many other races, genders, and ages are affected. It’s sad, but among children, 42% of first through third graders reported they want to be thinner. Coping with an eating disorder, especially during food-focused events occurring during the holidays, can be incredibly challenging due to all the constant festivities. For example,  you could have an unofficial office party, hump day happy hour with friends, and a family reunion on the weekend in one week. No wonder someone with an eating disorder may feel stressed and overwhelmed during the holidays. Some may not realize they have an eating disorder and wonder why their thoughts and actions regarding food and their body worsen when they should celebrate and …

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What Causes an Eating Disorder (and How Treatment Can Help)?

what causes an eating disorder

What causes an eating disorder? Anyone can develop an eating disorder. You are susceptible no matter your race, gender, culture, or age. Nearly 29 million Americans have an eating disorder, with over 10,000 dying each year. Eating disorders are mental health disorders that are treatable and can be overcome with the right help. When trying to understand why some people develop an eating disorder and some don’t, you quickly realize how complex the disorder can be. Two people can grow up in the same household, with the same parents, structure, rules, discipline, and more, yet one may have an eating disorder, and the other may not ever have a mental health diagnosis. What Causes an Eating Disorder? Researchers believe multiple risk factors contribute to someone developing an eating disorder. Someone may experience more than one risk factor at a time. If you or someone you love experiences one or more …

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National Eating Disorders Awareness Week

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week

February 21st starts the National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. We want to help spread the word and let everyone know there is help and hope for everyone affected by an eating disorder. This is more important today than ever before. Recent research shows over 10,000 people die each year due to an eating disorder. Also, eating disorders are found in people of all backgrounds, ages, gender, and interests. Around 30 million males, females, athletes, veterans, children, young adults, people with disabilities, and more will experience an eating disorder in their lifetime. Below are some other alarming statistics that show treatment needs to be a priority: Anorexia has the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses Eating disorders affect men and women. Statistics show one million men and ten million women have an eating disorder at any given time Very few adults, usually less than ten percent, seek treatment for their …

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